FlamePro fire kit: The trusted solution for Farnborough firefighters

When Farnborough Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting Service (FARFFS) sought to renew its personal protective equipment (PPE) contract, its criteria extended beyond exceptional safety gear. They were in search of a supplier capable of delivering outstanding customer service and prompt delivery. FlamePro, a renowned provider of life-saving garments to firefighters worldwide, with exceptional dedication to customer satisfaction, successfully secured the contract, offering 31 kits to FARFFS.


Positive trial feedback and enhanced mobility


FlamePro submitted a tender for the 10-year PPE contract, initially providing tunics and leggings for trial purposes. Following extensive trials by FARFFS, the feedback received was overwhelmingly positive, with the crews highly satisfied with the performance of the gear.


Firefighters particularly commended the integrated knee pads and praised the remarkable freedom of movement provided by our garments. The adjustment period for our PPE was minimal, quickly adapting to the body and allowing firefighters to carry out their duties without limitation.


Also, our boots garnered high praise for their immediate comfort, eliminating the need for an extended breaking-in period, unlike other brands. These lightweight boots don’t impede firefighters during incidents, enabling them to move swiftly and perform their duties efficiently.


Based on the positive trial experiences, our PPE emerged as the preferred choice for FARFFS’ firefighting operations.


Ed Knighton, Station Manager, expressed his satisfaction, saying, “The fit of FlamePro PPE is excellent, ensuring unrestricted movement and enabling our firefighters to respond effectively to emergencies and training exercises. I was impressed with how light the kit was and how easy it was to control body temperature.”


Flexible PPE solutions


Having secured the decade-long contract, FlamePro began providing 31 firefighters with boots, leggings, jackets and trousers, gloves, particulate flash hoods and helmets. Specifically for this project, we provided repairs, recycling, and laundering for these garments.


Emphasising firefighter health and safety


Recognising the risks associated with firefighter cancers, FARFFS prioritises clean equipment and post-incident PPE. Our washable gloves play a crucial role in limiting exposure to harmful particulates. In contrast to traditional leather gloves, which pose contamination risks and lack proper washing capabilities, the FlamePro washable gloves ensure efficient cleaning, alleviating concerns of contamination.


FARFFS also commended FlamePro’s industry-leading particulate flash hood, which provides an additional layer of protection against cancer-causing particulates. From the first use, this hood offers above 99% protection, surpassing alternative products.




FARFFS’ selection of the FlamePro fire kit stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to equipping firefighters with the finest gear available, guaranteeing their safety and effectiveness in the line of duty.


“As a seasoned firefighter with 32 years of experience, I have no hesitation in recommending the FlamePro fire kit”, concludes Ed.